Summary Of Finds

This is a summary of finds from 3 excavations over a 60 year period and one aerial reconnaissance (1974).  The area covered less than 2% of land in our ownership!  The dates of excavations were:

1960s, (unknown)      1974, (unknown) 1976 (May),

1981 (Todd)                2010 (Rowe)        2016 (Taylor)

Schedule of Modern Finds – 16th C to 20th C

At Castle Pits Quarry

·       One 17C Clay Pipe


Schedule of Medieval finds (Middle Ages 5th to the 15thC)

·       A ridge and furrow ploughing system


Schedule of Roman Finds at Castle Quarry – 47 to 60AD

·       Metal Fragments

·       A Dolphin Type Brooch

·       Ferrous Metal

·       Several Square Headed (Manning type) nails

·       Seeds

·       Nail Tacks

·       Pottery Fragments (Native)

·       Coins (1960s)

·       A 12 Foot wide Tessellated stone Pavement (1960)

·       Bones of Horses,  Cattle, Sheep, Goats , Dogs

·       Glass

·       Coal, Charcoal

·       Grains, Hazel nut shells, Barley

·       Remains of Roman Fort (part) estimated at 28 acres

·       2 Human remains

·       A titulum  style entrance and Lillia concealed spiked pit.


Schedule of Iron age Finds – 350 to 50BC

·       Quern Stone (Wheat Grinder) Burnt

·       Equid (Horse bones) also Cattle, Sheep, Goat, unidentified mammals

·       Charcoal

·       Ferrous Metal

·       Flint

·       Seeds

·       Barley

·       Nut shells

·       Iron Working fragments

·       Remains of two thatched round houses

·       75 Storage pits

·       Remains of an aisled stone building used as a corn dryer

·       Oven structures (remains of )



·       Late Neolithic flint

Read the full Archaeology reports

Ancaster full report

2016 Report

2018 Report


By kind permission of the APS archeology team.


Kindly provided by the PCA team, Will Mumford, Charlotte Bentley.

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